Travel Arrangements

It is about 12-13 hours from Temecula to China Gulch Trailhead.
Probably a good idea to start early for the hike as usual, say 8:00am on Friday, September 11th
This means if you'd like to work/go to school on Thursday you can. Just find some bros to split the drive because you'll have to leave after work and drive through the night to get there on time. I may do that this year. Though I always say that and then end up flying anyways.
I think the easiest flight would be in to Redding airport. If you're willing to start at LAX you can get a direct flight I think. Otherwise you're probably connecting at SFO. The flight in to Redding will be more expensive obviously. And still about 3.5 hours from the trailhead.
Flying in to Sacramento will for sure be cheaper but is still over 5 hours from the trailhead. Not sure its worth it rather than just driving.

PITW 2021
October 22-24, 2021